Graviola or Soursop, as it is often connoted is a flowering and fruit bearing tree found in abundance in the rain forests of South America, Africa and even Southeast Asia. The more scientifically would find it interesting that Soursop also has a scientific name: Annona Muricata. Some of the more popular alternative names for this plant are custard apple, guanabana and Brazilian Paw Paw. Soursop and cancer continues to be raging debate in contemporary times which is not surprising considering the therapeutic versatility of the plant.
Traditional medicinal benefits are known to be present in the fruit, stem, leaves, the bark and the roots of this wonder tree. These could well be attributed to the presence of a specific chemical substance known as annonaceous acetogenins. The therapeutic advantage of this rainforest plant is not new considering that South Americans and the Africans have used these extracts to treat conditions such as arthritis, fever, bacterial and parasitic infections and even depression.